"A round is a game of imaginary spys and assassins."
What is a round, or in the old vernacular a "killing round"? Well relax, there is no actual killing. That would be no fun. Any killing or dying is purely notional.

In reality a round is no more dangerous than a game of tag. Our weapons are carefully chosen for their unreal qualities. Our "guns" are small brightly coloured nerf guns. Our "knives" are short lengths of pool-noodle or plush animals. Our "bombs" are notes slipped into pencil cases or pizza boxes, containing the single cryptic word "sibylline". Our "poisons" are toothpaste, vaseline and lipstick. Our cameras are actually cameras or smartphones, so you could say that part is real but harmless.
Rounds are our original raison d'etre and the origin of the name "Killing As Organised Sport"
In all cases style, stealth and imagination are important and "kills" with these characteristics will be worth much more than unimaginative indiscrete "kills" but the most important principle is safety. Don't hurt anyone, don't be offensive, don't break anything and don't do anything that will get KAOS banned from anywhere. In general, don't be an idiot.
The complete rules for rounds are currently being reviewed and will be linked here as "The Assassins' Guide" when this process is complete. In the meantime you will be briefed on the rules of any round before it begins. Many places like lecture theatres, labs, libraries, offices, shops, toilets, the UCSA, the Registry and KAOS Corner will be out of bounds to most or all "weapons", so pay attention.
Agents play alone or in teams depending on the round. Rounds will be organised by a shadowy figure known as "Q", or some other agent who volunteers or is deputised for the task. There are as many different kinds of rounds as we can dream up but the more common types are listed below:
- The Open Round
- The simplest kind of round, anyone wearing a KAOS badge is a target. You may have one or many lives. Anyone who is "killed" takes off their badge for 15 minutes or for the rest of the round if they're out of lives.
- The List or "Circle of Death" Round
- There are 1 to 3 lists of names. You can "kill" or be "killed" by the agents above or below you on a list. Agents who're "killed" are eliminated from a list (agent's choice).
- The Short Round
- Most rounds take place over a few days, a short round lasts for 1 to 2 hours and takes place strictly outdoors within a defined area. Short rounds are often held off-campus.
- The Recon or Camera Round
- Spying is the name of the game here. Your only weapon is your camera (or phone). Take pictures of other agents or designated objects and send them to Q; one photo per object, photos of agents must be taken at least 15 minutes apart. This round may take place across the whole city but people's homes or workplaces are out of bounds.
- The Briefcase Round
- Agents scheme to be the agent in possession of the "briefcase" at the end of the round. It's usually a briefcase containing some interesting or amusing objects but it could be something else like say a statuette of a falcon.
- The Zen Round
- This round is purely imaginary. You will be given a notional list of resources or a budget and left to plan a hit on a designated Agent of KAOS or fictional character. Send your plan to Q before the deadline to enter.
If any of this sounds interesting why not join us?